I have a SIX year old. What?! And my 6 year old is obsessed with birds and nature. What's a party-designing-mama to do... Create an Audubon themed birthday party, that's what!
Every year Finley celebrates his birthday with his cousin, Grayson, for a family celebration. This year I was a little nervous asking my sister-in-law if she was "cool" with a bird theme! Are birds all the rave with boys... because Lora said Grayson loves him some birds too! ;) The bird theme was a GO!

The hunt for Bird and Nature themed ideas began! Green grass table runners, a tree trunk charger/platter, branches, rocks and pine cones helped decorate each table. I found small realistic birds and nests at the dollar store {score!} and we gifted Finley with a few plush birds that I used as decor for the party.
Each little Bird Watcher received a hand-made vest {made by my amazing mama, "grandma barbara" ... the grandma that made the jet packs, tutus and felt pizzas!} adorned with an owl patch and "official bird expert" sticker! Grandma Barbara spoiled the kiddos with plenty of outdoor necessities to top of each Bird Watching outfit... Mini flashlights, mini compasses, binoculars and safari hats! SO fun!

We sent the kids out on a Nature Scavenger Hunt! They needed to collect elements from nature and look for certain Wisconsin Backyard Birds! Thank goodness for a beautiful autumn day in Wisconsin!
Each Bird Fanatic left with their own bird feeder, so they can continue to watch birds from home!
It was fun and MESSY making our home-made, pine cone bird feeders!
Each "Early Bird" got their own baggie of gummy worms to snack on after the scavenger hunt! Yum Yum!
I had fun making sweets for the outdoors theme with chocolate acorns {made from chocolate kisses, mini nutter butters and chocolate chips!} and dirt dessert!
We called out party location the "Leis Audubon Center", as it was transformed into a Bird Watchers dream!
Here's my favorite Bird Watcher, Finley, accommodating me with a pose in all his gear! He LOVES to draw birds, so we had to use his art as decoration throughout the party too...
Happy Birthday to these two cuties!
I had a blast creating a unique and specialized theme for two special and unique boys! When Fin said he wanted a "bird party", I admit, I was a little nervous. But once I got going, I couldn't stop and found this theme to be my favorite so far!
And, by gosh by golly, my shop is officially OPEN again for business! I have stretched my maternity leave as far as I could. This whole mama of three business is NO JOKE and has taken me longer than I expected to get back into the swing of things! Click HERE to peruse my shop and HERE to order the printable designs to create your own BIRD THEME party!